Introducing...for the first time EVER...Designer Christmas Truffles!

Posted on October 02, 2019 by Melissa Stephens | 104 Comments

For 15 years I've been dipping and decorating cordial cherries...creating adorable little cherry chocolate sculptures to share with people all over the world. While cordial cherries are our specialty and will always be the foundation of The Cordial Cherry, I'm super excited to announce that beginning November 1st, for the first time EVER, we will be introducing our DESIGNER CHRISTMAS TRUFFLES! Our designer truffles will be filled with a made-from-scratch brown butter ganache and will rival our amazing cordial cherries in both flavor and design. Most of our Christmas designs that you've come to adore in our cordial cherries will now be available in our gourmet truffles! Below you'll see a few examples of our Designer Christmas Truffles...

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How to Make Football Cordial Cherries

Posted on August 27, 2019 by Melissa Stephens | 45 Comments

 The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries Football Huskers

People love watching us make our chocolate covered cordial cherries.  If you visit our shop, on any given day, you can see us dipping cherries, sculpting them, painting and decorating them.  Its a truly interactive chocolate I wanted those of you can't physically visit our shop to see how make our designer cherries and truffles.  

In this video, I show you how I make our football cordial cherries.  Each one is hand-sculpted with rolled fondant after being dipped.  This gives the stereotypical football shape that we're going for.  

After being dipped in a milk chocolate, I pipe with white chocolate to create the football threads to give a finished look.  I hope you enjoy my video...thanks for watching!

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Paxton's Praise Report

Posted on August 22, 2019 by Melissa Stephens | 7661 Comments

The Cordial Cherry Paxton Spina Bifida The Cordial Cherry Paxton Spina Bifida The Cordial Cherry Paxton Spina Bifida


For those who are new to The Cordial Cherry family, Alexandra is a very special chocolatier in our shop and her baby, Paxton, was diagnosed with Myelomeningocele Spina Bifida at 16 weeks gestation.  It was a very emotional journey with lots of ups and downs while she met with specialists over a period of several months to prepare for Utero Fetal Surgery on Paxton's spine to help protect his spinal cord.  Paxton Patrick Ratigan was born July 22nd...what follows is a heartfelt message from Alexandra...

What a journey this has all been! To the prayer warriors for our son Paxton, your prayers did not go unanswered. I want to start off by thanking each and every one of you for your thoughts and prayers. We are so incredibly grateful for your donations. All money raised helped us pay for all the travel and even a good portion of medical bills! We have never seen such an outpour of love and support from so many of our friends, family and customers. It’s always talked about in the shop that we have the best customers and with out a doubt that couldn’t be more true. Tyler, Ellerie, Paxton and myself are forever grateful for your support. Each and every one of you will always be in our prayers and forever in our hearts. God bless you! 

I’m so happy to report that everything the surgery could have fixed did! It was never a guarantee so we went in assuming the worst and hoping for the best. They said at first his chances of walking were good but it was never a for sure thing. Now they’re saying he will walk, he will not need a shunt and he will not need a catheter. The best thing we keep hearing from doctors is you wouldn’t know Paxton has Spina Bifida...he is defying all odds and continues to thrive. The power is God is so unbelievable and Paxton is a miracle. We hope that his story will inspire others and help parents see that there is hope and such an amazing future for these kids. I’ll leave you with a verse that my mother found for us and it will forever be apart of our lives. Thank you all again we truly are eternally grateful.
Deuteronomy 30:19 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!
Love always, The Ratigan Family


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Easter Table Ideas

Posted on April 12, 2019 by Melissa Stephens | 26 Comments

Our Spring and Easter cordial cherries make for adorable additions to your Easter brunch or dinner.  Below you'll find some really sweet ways you can incorporate our Easter chocolate covered cherries into your table decor.

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Behind the Scenes Photo Shoot

Posted on March 21, 2019 by Melissa Stephens | 21 Comments

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Most days, I’m in the shop decorating cherries and visiting with my amazing customers, but every once in a while I get to participate in a super fun photo shoot!

 The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries


The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

This most recent photo shoot was for a new local publication of The Scout Guide…a beautiful magazine that showcases Omaha companies.  The images in this magazine are a major reason why people LOVE to use it as a coffee table book for guests to enjoy.  It’s really more of a book than a magazine and it aims to highlight Omaha businesses in a way that allows readers to appreciate a side that may not be so obvious by our storefronts or advertisements.

The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

I asked my sister, Jen, to come by and take some behind-the-scenes pictures of the photo shoot so I could share with all of you a sneak peek before the magazine hits the stands this June.  As an extreme hobbyist photographer, it’s so handy to have Jen around…and she loves me and is always happy to help me in a pinch.  Most of you have met her…she’s usually helping at the register during the holidays….she’s absolutely wonderful!

 The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

 The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

Meet Tammi Bishop, the editor of The Scout Guide in Omaha.  She’s very passionate about introducing Omaha’s businesses to her readers, so when she asked me to be a part of this year’s featured businesses I was honored.  Tammi has a keen eye for detail and she definitely knows what look she’s going for in her publication.  Throughout the entire photo shoot, she was suggesting certain angles and props, and was often adjusting elements to ensure that the final image selected for her magazine was perfect!

 The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

Meet Daniel Muller, the photographer for this photo shoot as well as ALL of the photos featured in The Scout Guide 2019.  His work is incredible!  Many of you may already be familiar with him as he’s a highly sought after local photographer. 

 The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

His work is just as much science as it is art, which I can appreciate as a former scientist and a current artist…we got along just fine.  When he suggested that I wear white, I was so relieved.  Literally everything I own is either black, gray, or white…my closet pretty much matches the branding for The Cordial Cherry…no rainbow blouses for me.  I’m not a very colorful person when it comes to my wardrobe, so I’m very thankful he didn’t ask for chartreuse or heliotrope!

 The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

I love the dress I picked…while the sleeves are flowy and lacy, they’re short enough that they don’t get in the way of my work.  I was able to get right back to decorating after the photo shoot!  And, as Daniel suggested, the white will be a nice contrast to all the warm, dark shaded throughout my shop. 

The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

Ok...this shot is special...

Everyone says that I look just like grandma's my favorite compliment...

The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

My apron...not fancy at all, but perfect all the same.  I love the contrast of this rough and tumble apron with my dainty, lacy's definitely The Cordial Cherry style. 

The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

This one was just silly....

The Scout Guide Omaha The Cordial Cherry chocolate covered cherries

Tammi and Daniel were amazing to work with and I really hope you’ll check out The Scout Guide when it’s released this June. I hope you’re as excited as I am for its release…I can’t wait to see the final selection for the magazine…I know it’s going to be beautiful!  We'll have lots of copies at The Cordial Cherry so be sure to ask for one!

Please visit The Scout Guide at: @tsgomaha

And check out more of Daniel’s work at: @mullersphoto


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The Cordial Cherry * The Shops of Legacy * 16939 Wright Plaza Ste. 143 * Omaha, NE 68130 * 402-679-3011